Flower Library
Also known as mums, feverfew, fujis, buttons, daisies, pompoms, footballs
Meaning and Interesting facts: Hope, cheerfulness, optimism, birth flower for November. Originated in China more than 2500 years ago before being introduced into Europe.
Availability: All year, except for the brown and orange varieties, which are usually grown only for the fall season.
Colors: white, purple, yellow, bronze, pink, red, gold, bi-color, lavender, green
Also known as traveller’s joy, virgin’s bower, old man’s beard, and leather flower
Meaning and Interesting facts: A native of China, then Japan, and then Europe in the late 19th century. It symbolizes mental beauty, art, and poverty.
Availability: Can be found most of the year, but they are small windows of not availability
Colors: lavender and light lavender
Also known as Jacob’s ladder
Meaning and Interesting facts: Big-hearted, fun, symbol of dolphin. Derived from the Greek “delphis” meaning dolphin. Traditionally used to make dye and ink.
Availability: All year
Color: White, blue, purple, lavender, (availability of the purple and lavender varieties is more seasonal & limited)
They are many different Ferns available as cut: Sword Fern (also called Feather or Boston Fern), Plumosa Fern, Australian Umbrella Fern, Flat Fern, Tree Fern, Ming
Availability: Most of the Ferns are available all year around but they are exceptions – see below
First Photo: Australian Umbrella Fern – A feathery light tropical fern, very seasonal, not available all year
Also known as Lenten rose
Meaning and Interesting facts: Originated in Greece and Turkey. Similar to the Christmas rose.
Availability: Winter, Spring, (white Helleborus is the most common as cut flower, other colors are not available as much as the white is)
Color: White, cream, purple, red, pink, green
Also known as: Hortensia
Availability: All year
Meaning and Interesting facts: a heartless or boatful person
Color: White, light and dark pink, purple, green, blue, antique
The green, white, light blue and light pink Hydrangea are available most of the year. The darker varieties as purple, pink and blue have more limited availability based on seasons.
Also known as: Asiatic, Oriental or Easter lily
Meaning and Interesting Facts: Purity, pride, wealth. Originated in Asia with new ones continuously being developed.
Availability: All year
We carry 2 different types of Lilies on regular bases:
1 – Asiatic Lilies – non fragrant, usually available in white, yellow, orange, peach and pink
2 – Oriental Lilies – stronger fragrance, usually available in white, pink or pale yellow. The pale yellow color is not as available as other colors.
Also known as Paeonia
Meaning and Interesting Facts: Healing, happy life. Associated with 12th wedding anniversary. Originated in china, Siberia, and Tibet. White was original color.
Availability: late spring, early summer
(Peony season is shorter compere to other flowers. Peonies are mainly available in the Month of May. Peony season can extend to earlier and later months but it all depends on the weather conditions. White Peonies can be found also in December and January.
Availability of white and light pink Peonies usually extends for longer period of time compered to coral, hot pink, red and blush Peonies. )
Color: white, pink, red
Also known as: Sugarbush; king, giant, and bearded protea
Meaning and Interesting Facts: Smelling nice; don’t despair. The king protea is the national flower emblem of south Africa.
Availability: All year, the white Protea has a minimal availability and large demand
Color: Red, pink, white, yellow, orange